Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23, 2008

Today was Tuesday.

Just got back from open house at the high school. I made six seven minutes presentations. Talked to Mrs. Mills and apologized for having to get on her son last year in one of my classes. Parents were very friendly and receptive at open house. Met missionary, Robin's mom a voice teacher.

School went well. I gave it all I had in planning and energy. We went over Test 1 for reviews today. Had to be more strict with Spanish II class to demand their attention during instruction. Strictness worked very well. Today I asked students to write out on a piece of paper, "I did well (or poor) on this test because I . . ." I got some interesting responses which I read to the class anonymously.

First period was spent planning and reading over lessons and ideas for Spanish I, II and III classes. Part of lunch was spent looking for some alternative TAB and rhythm diagram sheets to print from the Internet.

Students did not practice guitar as aggressively as I thought they should so I gave them homework to take home. I want to pick up the pace.

I got a hair cut a little before 9 PM at Supercuts tonight on the way home from school.

Andrew showed me a song that him and Matthew recorded. It is quite good and Matt's guitar skills are improving greatly.

Andrew has been playing the keyboard at home a lot. Today I was taking a nap before going to open house and I thought Andrew's playing was an ice cream truck outside because he kept playing the same line over and over.

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