Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 16, 2008


I had a dispute this morning during practice about how fast of a tempo we should do the song He Brought Me Out with Doc. I don't think it was a big deal but I told him what his options were and what the effect would be of each choice. I think I handled it well.

Today was the first day Andrew, my son of 15, played the bass guitar in a service. He did a really great job. Donna and I were really proud of him. I think he really enjoyed it as well. We had practiced about an hour at home last night to prepare for today. I still remember the first time I played bass guitar in a Sunday service at Family Worship Center. I think the date was April 15, 1984. I still have the cassette tape of recording off the radio on WLUX, 1550 AM.

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