Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009

Today is my mom's birthday. Happy birthday mom!

Yesterday was the final check out day for this school year. I got my room clean, grades checked, duty time logs filled out and all the forms filled out for everything including textbook tracking.

This morning I visited the chiropractor, desposited our checks from school in the bank and now I am at McDonalds on Siegen Ln.

I was thinking this morning about how we are always told that living in sin is instantly gratifying or rewarding while living righteously has a delayed gratification. I had to rethink the second part of that. I think there is also an immediate reward when we choose to obey. I don't think God uses only delayed gratification to motivate us but He also uses instant rewards for obedience. For example if I choose to do good instead of evil, I will immediately realize that I will be better off for it and I will have immediate benefit from it. I may suffer for doing right but I will also prosper for it as well.

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