Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17, 2008

Today was a Wednesday.

The day started with a jog at about 6:30 AM. I only got a little over five hours of sleep last night--not enough for a 38 year old man. We arrived at school at around 7:26 AM. I dropped everyone off, left a note for Mrs. Devitt and went to another chiropractor appointment at 8 AM. My back was a little out of balance. I got back to school at about 8:35 AM. Mrs. Devitt came and saw me about writing my lessons plans in Spanish. I explained that the textbook and curicullum listed all key concepts and directions in Spanish. She tought it might have been I joke I was trying to play on her. We had a pleasant and productive conversation.

Second period was Spanish I. It went well as we went over a second study guide to prepare them for the test on Chapter one on Friday. We left early to set up for Chapel service.

I thought the chapel music transitions were very rough today. I ran sound. I am always so picky about the way I think things should be. I felt like the musicians could have been more agressive in doing their introductions instead of waiting around for ever with no real leading happening. Sometimes the instruments have to lead while the vocals are transitioning or worshiping.

Third period was Spanish II. We also covered a second study guide for their upcoming test. I moved Stephen across the room and later told him "enough!" on the running of his mouth. That kind of captured the attention of the other motor mouths and brought them to better focus. Overall I think the class went well. Nick wasn't in class for the third day in a row.

Luch was next. Fourth period went fine with the Guitar I & II students being tested by performing a song. Guitar I performed Ode to Joy, while Guitar II performed a couple of strumming patterns and Joshua Fought the battle of Jericho. With a little extra time at the end of class I had them gather in one area of the pews in the balcony at the church and I tought them some strumming patterns using ta, ti ti, and tika-tika, for quater, eighth and sixtheenth notes respectively. They copied rather well although some guitars were out of tune.

I had a 30 flag pole duty after school. One of the boy jr. high students was very hyper today bouncing off everything and everyone. Matt and I went and picked up the rest of the family and we also dropped Maureec off at his house.

We ate at home and I took a nap from 4:30 to 5:30. We got back to church at 6:10 in time for me to copy the songs and fire up the sound system. We had a full band tonight and the worship was awesome. We did Friend of God, How Great is Our God, You are My All in All, and Your Love Oh Lord. Glen Barras preached an excellent message on unity using the oil poured over the priests and the dew that slowly settles on Mount Hermon as examples of what unity feels like. I sat between Donna and Doris. One time Doris finished one of Mr. Barras' sentences before he did. I thought that was pretty cool. Peter Barnes and his voice were awesome as he lead worship tonight.

I ate some cookies and had a caffeine-free diet coke after service. We drove home. Donna seemed very tired today. I joked since the beginning of the day that we should try being negative all day today.

Matthew finished his project on Pointee Coupee Parish tonight. Matthew is growing into a little man now. He is very good looking. Andrew said today that everyone likes his hair. He was told by a lady at CC's tonight to turn his MP3 player off. Michael Campagna joked that Andrew almost got them kicked out of CC's.

The things I am stressed about now are:
Fixing my roof.
$1000 deductible.
Cashing the check made out to Citimortage and Donna and myself.
A $400 check that bounced from some of extra music playing. This is the fourth month that this check has bounced.
How to do more band practices for the church band.

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